Refugio de vida silvestre Caño Negro – short version
Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge
- Remember, expect this to be challenging.
- First, read the English version.
- Next, read the Spanish version.
- Click the control to hear the audio.
- Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
- Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
- See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
- Then try the long version.
Short Version
Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge
The Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge is one of the most biologically diverse areas in Costa Rica. A wide variety of birds, animals and fish inhabit this tropical lowland of 24,620 acres. It is possible to tour the refuge by boat. Motoring slowly through the dense tropical forest, many visitors spot monkeys, iguana, and storks in the trees. Turtles and caiman sun themselves on logs. Cormorants, herons and egrets prowl the shallows. Fish breach the murky water around the boat. As the boat glides up to the dock, visitors feel very satisfied by the amount of wildlife they have seen.
Refugio de vida silvestre Caño Negro
El refugio de vida silvestre Caño Negro es una de las regiones más biológicamente diversas de Costa Rica. Una enorme variedad de aves, mamíferos y peces habita estas tierras bajas tropicales de unas 10 mil hectáreas. Es posible recorrer el refugio en bote. Navegando lentamente por el denso bosque tropical, los visitantes pueden observar monos, iguanas y cigüeñas en los árboles. Tortugas y caimanes toman el sol sobre troncos. Cormoranes, garzas y garcitas recorren las aguas bajas. Peces rompen las turbias aguas en torno al bote. Al regresar al muelle, los visitantes se sienten satisfechos de haber visto tanta vida silvestre.