Los patios de América Latina – short version
Courtyards of Latin America
- Remember, expect this to be challenging.
- First, read the English version.
- Next, read the Spanish version.
- Click the control to hear the audio.
- Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
- Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
- See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
- Then try the long version.
Short Version
Courtyards of Latin America
The public courtyards of Latin America are a good place to rest and reflect on the day’s experiences. They can be found at museums, churches and around government buildings. There the visitor is shielded from the the noise of the streets. Many of these enclosed areas are landscaped with small trees, shrubs and flowering plants. There are usually several benches strategically placed to take advantage of the sun or shade. Bubbling fountains provide a pleasing aural background. One can sit and relax, inhaling the fragrance of the surrounding plant life while watching butterflies and birds moving through the vegetation.
Los patios de América Latina
Los patios públicos de América Latina son buenos lugares para descansar y reflexionar sobre las experiencias del día. Pueden encontrarse en museos, iglesias, y cerca de edificios gubernamentales. Allí, el visitante está protegido de los ruidos de la calle. En muchas de estas áreas cerradas hay sembrados árboles pequeños, arbustos y plantas florecientes. Generalmente hay varios bancos colocados estratégicamente para aprovechar el sol o la sombra. Fuentes burbujeantes proporcionan un entorno auditivo agradable. Uno puede sentarse y descansar, respirando la fragancia de la vida vegetal circundante mientras observa cómo las mariposas y pájaros vuelan entre la vegetación.