Las plazas de México – short version
The Plazas of Mexico
- Remember, expect this to be challenging.
- First, read the English version.
- Next, read the Spanish version.
- Click the control to hear the audio.
- Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
- Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
- See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
- Then try the long version.
Short Version
The Plazas of Mexico
The plazas of Mexico are where the many hidden currents of civic life come bubbling to the surface. It is a place where people go to relax after work and visit with friends and relatives while adolescents furtively fan the flames of a budding romance. During holidays and festivals, there is usually music in the evenings. Vendors sell food, drinks, balloons, games, crafts and much more. For the language learner , the plaza is a great place to practice Spanish with a wide variety of people as you perhaps buy some candy or try to talk to someone who wants to sell you some jewelry. As you interact with people, your understanding of the community deepens and your Spanish improves.
Las plazas de México
En las plazas de México brotan a la superficie muchas corrientes escondidas de la vida cívica del país. Son lugares donde la gente va a descansar y a compartir con amigos y parientes. Los adolescentes muchas veces van a alimentar las llamas del amor furtivamente. Durante los días feriados y festivales, generalmente se escucha música por las noches. Se venden alimentos, bebidas, globos, juegos, artesanías y mucho más. Para el estudiante de español, las plazas son lugares perfectos para practicar el idioma con una variedad de personas mientras se compran dulces o se intenta hablar con alguien que vende joyas. Al comunicarse con la gente, uno comprende mejor a la comunidad mientras mejora el conocimiento del español.