Mañana en Teacapán – short version
Morning in Teacapán
- Remember, expect this to be challenging.
- First, read the English version.
- Next, read the Spanish version.
- Click the control to hear the audio.
- Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
- Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
- See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
- Then try the long version.
Short Version
Morning in Teacapán
During our time in the small fishing village of Teacapán,, we sometimes passed our mornings observing the daily activities of the the people and birds along the shoreline near our hotel. Fisherman would leave before dawn and return in mid-morning with baskets full of shrimp. Frigate birds patrolled the shore, hoping to steal another bird’s meal. Hummingbirds began their mad daily race to imbibe as much nectar as possible from the flowering shrubs. An old man on a tricycle pulled by a burro hawked papers. Two boys fished for pardo, a type of whitefish, using small shrimp as bait on their line that was wrapped around a old pop bottle that served as their reel. As the day’s activities beckoned, we swallowed the last of our coffee, and felt glad to have seen a little bit of this quiet town start the day.
Mañana en Teacapán
Durante el tiempo que estuvimos en la pequeña aldea pesquera de Teacapán, pasamos a veces nuestras mañanas observando las actividades diarias de la gente y los pájaros a lo largo del litoral cerca de nuestro hotel. Los pescadores se iban antes de amanecer y regresaban a media mañana con las cestas llenas de camarón. Los pájaros fragata patrullaban la orilla, esperando robarle comida a otro pájaro. Los colibríes comenzaban su loca carrera diaria por beber tanto néctar como fuera posible de los arbustos florecientes. Un anciano vendía periódicos en un triciclo tirado por un burro. Dos muchachos pescaban pardo, un tipo de pescado blanco, usando pequeños camarones de carnada en un cordel envuelto en una vieja botella de refresco que servía de carretel. Mientras que las actividades del día nos atraían, tragamos el último sorbo de café, y nos sentimos contentos de haber visto una pequeña parte del comienzo del día en este pueblito.