Techos de México – short version
Techos de Mexico
- Remember, expect this to be challenging.
- First, read the English version.
- Next, read the Spanish version.
- Click the control to hear the audio.
- Listen several times, following along on the transcript.
- Finally, listen without looking at the transcript.
- See how many words and phrases you can pick out.
- Then try the long version.
Short Version
Techos de Mexico
Unfortunately, not all tourism benefits the local townsfolk. It can sometimes turn the locals into “tourism cerfs” whose low wages do not even keep pace with the escalating cost of living. But in Playa Chacala, a program called “Techos de Mexico” loans money to villagers so that they can add a few rooms to their houses, and earn income by renting them to vacationers. As the loans are paid back, the fund becomes available to help others. The result is that people can remain in their village, rather than being forced to seek work elsewhere.
Techos de México
Desafortunadamente, no todo el turismo beneficia a los mexicanos. A veces los convierte en “siervos del turismo” cuyos bajos ingresos no igualan el costo de la vida. Pero en Playa Chacala, un programa llamado “Techos de México” presta dinero a los aldeanos para que añadan habitaciones a sus casas y ganen dinero alquilándoselas a los vacacionistas. Al ir pagándose los préstamos, el fondo sigue disponible para ayudar a otros. El resultado es que las personas pueden seguir viviendo en sus pueblos en vez de tener que buscar trabajo en otros lugares.