Imperfect Subjunctive III


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In the Imperfect Subjunctive II, you learned how to conjugate verbs in the Imperfect Subjunctive, using both types of conjugations, the -A type and the -SE type.

In this lesson we will be covering the imperfect subjunctive of stem-changing verbs.

We know that in Spanish there are three kinds of verbs according to their ending:

1. -ar verbs
2. -er verbs
3. -ir verbs

-ar and -er verbs do not change the stem in the preterite. Therefore, there is no change in the stem of the imperfect subjunctive:

Repasar (to review) Barrer (to sweep)
3rd person plural repasaron barrieron
Therefore the stem is: repasar barrier
yo repasara barriera
repasaras barrieras
él/ella/Ud. repasara barriera
nosotros repasáramos barriéramos
vosotros repasarais barrierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. repasaran barrieran

-ir verbs, however, change the stem in the preterite in both the third person singular and plural. Therefore, the spelling of the imperfect subjunctive is affected.

There are three different stem-changing groups within the -ir verbs:

1. e>ie stem-changing -ir verbs: the e of the stem changes into i in the third person plural of the preterite.

Sentir (to feel)
3rd person plural sintieron
Therefore the stem is: sintier
yo sintiera
él/ella/Ud. sintiera
nosotros sintiéramos
vosotros sintierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. sintieran

If there are two es in the stem, it is the second e that changes:

Preferir (to prefer)
3rd person plural prefirieron
Therefore the stem is: prefirier
yo prefiriera
él/ella/Ud. prefiriera
nosotros prefiriéramos
vosotros prefirierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. prefirieran

2. e>i stem-changing -ir verbs: the e of the stem changes into an i.

Pedir(to ask for)
3rd person plural pidieron
Therefore the stem is: pidier
yo pidiera
él/ella/Ud. pidiera
nosotros pidiéramos
vosotros pidierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. pidieran

If there are two es in the stem, it is the second e that changes:

Repetir(to repeat)
3rd person plural repitieron
Therefore the stem is: repitier
yo repitiera
él/ella/Ud. repitiera
nosotros repitiéramos
vosotros repitierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. repitieran

3. o>u stem-changing -ir verbs: the o of the stem changes to u.

Dormir(to sleep)
3rd person plural durmieron
Therefore the stem is: durmier
yo durmiera
él/ella/Ud. durmiera
nosotros durmiéramos
vosotros durmierais
ellos/ellas/Uds. durmieran