Preterite: Part VI


  1. The written lesson is below.
  2. Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left.


A number of verbs that are irregular in the preterite follow a particular pattern. While their stems change, they all take the following endings:


Here are the verbs, along with their corresponding stem changes:

Infinitive Stem Change
andar anduv-
estar estuv-
tener tuv-
caber cup-
haber hub-
poder pud-
poner pus-
saber sup-
hacer hic-
querer quis-
venir vin-

Here are two examples of how this pattern is applied:

estar (estuv-) saber (sup-)
estuve supe
estuviste supiste
estuvo supo
estuvimos supimos
estuvisteis supisteis
estuvieron supieron

Note: The one exception is the third person singular of hacer. As you learned in a previous lesson, the c changes to z to form “hizo.”

Another card for this pattern of irregular preterites:

Verb Flashcards
Complete List

irregular preterite pattern: andar, estar, tener, caber, haber, poder, poner, saber, hacer, querer, venir

Infinitive Stem Change Endings
andar anduv- -e
estar estuv- -iste
tener tuv- -o
caber cup- -imos
haber hub- -isteis
poder pud- -ieron
poner pus-
saber sup-
hacer hic-
querer quis-
venir vin-

Exception: hacer (el/ella/usted hizo)