Your Report Card
You must be at least a free member to use the Report Card feature. To access your Report Card just log on and then click on the View Report Card link.
Note that lessons are grouped by category: Grammar, Vocabulary, Travel Helper and Camino del éxito. You can only select one category at a time.
After you select a category, you will see a list of all lessons in that category. You can either select the lessons you want, or you can click the link at the top of the page to view all completed activities for that category.
In order to record a quiz in your Report Card, you must answer all questions correctly. If you see a checkmark in your Report Card, that indicates that you have successfully completed that quiz. Directly beneath the checkmark you will see the date the quiz was completed.
Unlike quizzes, test grades are recorded regardless of how many questions are answered correctly. For tests, you will see an actual percentage score in your Report Card. Click on that number and a window will pop up telling you what questions you missed. You can retake a test as many times as you want, and the latest score always replaces the previous score, regardless of whether it is lower or higher.
Final Exams
Final Exam grades are permanent. You will be notified of your score before you record it, giving you the option of going back and correcting your mistakes. But, once recorded Final Exam grades cannot be changed.
Wrong Answers
As you can see from the paragraph about “Quizzes,” you cannot submit a quiz until you have answered all questions correctly. But with “Tests” and “Final Exams,” the grade is recorded regardless of your score. To see what questions you got wrong, just go to your Report Card and click on the percentage score. A window will pop up showing which questions you missed.
Always Log Off
To protect the integrity of your account, including your Report Card, always be sure to log off when you are done working.
Check membership options page for details about our premium membership level